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    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    Application for Internship

    Im hoping that my resume is enough for the internship i have just applied for, im going to start moving this blog more towards a news style blog that will allow me to just use this as a vessel to thwart my opinion on the general public on Major News for the day. I just need to create a dedication to this task.

    Monday, September 14, 2009

    New Camera new start to this blog

    Ok so Iwas a terrible blogger before but now I am going to try and be a lot better at this blogging. So a catch up on life, Im no longer just going to do this for fun, i want there to be a purpose to this....i just haven't found it yet. So for now I am just going to talk about the new Beatles rock band that has taken over my life and apparently everyone else because everyone seems to be just as obsessed with the game as I am.

    Sunday, April 26, 2009

    Image of the day

    Now that spring semester is over and Summer A is about to start is it time to start thinking ahead lol I thought this picture was funny explains the growth in peoples careers lol

    Sunday, April 19, 2009

    Cool Video i wanted to share

    a cool video done by Mills Miller

    Monday, April 13, 2009

    College Life

    Why would any one want to be on this dammed show? Its like a future killer, these idiots on this fucking show have nothing going for them. Its like they want to fail in life, how is being on this show going to help anyone out. This show actually makes me want to go to Madison, Wisconsin and beat the living hell out of them. If i was the university i wouldn't have let this show go on. They have single handedly destroyed the concept of privacy. They have intertwined what was a secret life into this dive into voyeurism for college kids. Maybe I am just ranting, but its come to my attention that not alot of people care or even think about their future and its become a growing concern for me. Is our next president really going to have his whole public life in pictures and wall comments because facebook basically has the rights to them forever or at least till they delete it?

    Sunday, March 15, 2009

    So i told myself i was going to write this blog each day, but the way the weekend went it was a little hard to keep that promise to myself. But i guess i can make up for it by just writing in today for twice. So I guess I can start this post by talking about the Miami Film Festival that has been here all week. I went to one of the films that most attracted me, The Past is a foreign land. It was a film about a Law student who gets caught up in the wrong crowd that leads him into a downward spiral, him not being able to play his cards right led him to a world of crime and drugs and abuse of life. Going with my friend we both gave this movie an excellent review, its easy to follow even if it was in Italian. There were alot of movies I wanted to go watch, but work and regatta got in the way, so hopefully I will be able to watch the movies as soon as they hit online.

    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    First Day, New Start, What The Fuck?

    So this was a random idea, that probably came out of a whole bunch of other random ideas put together, and this is its ever loving devil child of an outcome. I have started this blog just to get myself writing everyday, and posting ideas, photos,music, and information that i find informative, cool, and a just outright need for everyone to see.

    I guess to start the Blog i am going to give a little bit of information on me. I am 19, I go to School, I love music/art, technology, and the news.

    Stay tuned for new posts, hopefully daily.